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ArtsReviews's podcast

Art's Reviews

Jun 20, 2016

Award winning author Micah Harris had just won the PulpArk Award for Best Novel (Ravenwood Stepson of Mystery: Return of the Dugpa).  We now discuss his latest novel Murder in the Miracle Room.  This is a detective mystery with a supernatural twist.  As with all of Micah's work there is a mystery, and excitement, with...

Jun 10, 2016

The legendary Will Murray discusses his latest Wild Adventure of Doc Savage "Glare of the Gorgon" based on an original plot by Howard Davis and Lester Dent and including more of Dent's original prose work.  Will discusses his future plans for more wild adventures and for a new series of stories starring PAT SAVAGE!  And...

Jun 2, 2016

Author Jeff Deischer talks about his latest novel in the Argetverse Series.  The Superhero Team, The 3 Musketeers, confronts the mystery of The Owl.  Is it a man or a monster?  The Owl roams he night striking down its victims.  But why?  For what purpose?  More superhero action from one of the best pulp writers in our...