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Art's Reviews

Dec 3, 2018

Authors Bobby Nash and Chuck Miller have each written a novella about the classic Pulp Hero Richard Henry Benson: The Avenger.  these two stories have been published in a volume by Moonstone Publishing entitled, "The Avenger:  Double feature."  The volume is available in softcover and hardcover formats directly from...

Nov 5, 2018

Comicbook legend R. A. Jones has written Volume 3 in his Golden Age Superhero series "The Steel Ring" which is entitled "The House of Souls."  As one set of theats has been defused at the cost of some members of the Superhero Ring, a new threat looms: the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor!  Old characters return and new...

Oct 22, 2018

My friend and Fraternity Brother John Molino has published a crime story "Murder Gets Even"  which  tells the story of a horrific murder with a twist.  John is a former Deputy Secretary of Defense and tells this story involving a crime on a US Army base in the 1970s.  The story is character driven and very intense.  It...

Oct 15, 2018

Tommy Hancock, Author, publisher, and all around wunderkind is one of the founders of the New Pulp movement, Editor in Chief of Pro Se publications, and publishing entrepreneur has a new project that he is launching. He has been gathering information on 507 public domain characters from the Golden Age of Comics to...

Sep 23, 2018

Author Christopher Paul Carey reads from his sequel to the Moon Maid series authorized by the Edgar Rice Burroughs estate.