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ArtsReviews's podcast

Art's Reviews

Jul 11, 2015

Two of the Four Horsemen of Farmerdom -- Mike Croteau and Win Eckert -- join me to talk about the tenth Annual Philip Jose Farmer convention (FARMERCON X) held in conjunction with Pulpfest 2015 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel and Convention Center in downtown Columbus, OH from 13-16 August 2015.

We discuss the origins of FARMERCON and how it has ended up linked with Pulpfest for the last 5 years.  This year there will be a panel discussing Phil Farmer's weird fiction and the influence of H. P. Lovecraft on his work.

We also discuss 4 major publishing events from Meteor House Press debuting at the convention along with future publishing plans. 

We hope everyone can join us in Columbus for a great con experience.


The Official Philip Jose Farmer Website


Farmercon X 2015


Meteor House Press


Crossover Universe Website