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ArtsReviews's podcast

Art's Reviews

Dec 16, 2016

After 3 long years, the wait is over.  Ron Fortier has published the 5th novel featuring Captain Hazzard! And ths is BIG novel.  It not only features Kevin Douglas Hazzard but another great Pulp hero, Jim Anthony!  Together they wrestle with the mystery of Custer's Ghost. 

An apparition on horseback wearing a niform...

Dec 8, 2016

Philip Wylie and Edward Balmer  wrote the classic end-of-the-world-disaster novels When Worlds Collide and After Worlds Collide in 1933.  These were  serious Science Fiction novels not a mere entertainment.  it tells the story of Earth's destruction and the groups of men and women who struggled to leave our world and...

Oct 28, 2016

The legendary Ted White discusses his career n the pulps, SciFi, and publishing.  This talk brought back memories for me from 50 years ago!

Oct 28, 2016

The Presentation of the Munsey award at Pulpfest!

Oct 28, 2016

The incomparable Will Murray's latest book is the first novel featuring Patricia Savage as the hero.  Pat is the younger cousin of her more famous relative, Doc Savage. She as tried to become a part of Doc's life of adventure but he has been reticent about including her too deeply into the dangerous world...