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ArtsReviews's podcast

Art's Reviews

Feb 22, 2021

Pulp legend Will Murray has written a sequel to his crossover novel The Doom Legion (which featured The Spider, G-8, and Operator 5)  focusing on The Spider and horrifying invasion of New York by Monstrous robots that start tearing up the subways, and skyscrapers.  Along the way they are killing dozens of people and...

Feb 8, 2021

Authors Thomas Fortenberry, Robert H. Hudson Jr, Edward Lee Love, Mark Marderosian, and Jeff Deischer are all guests in this show to describe their contributions to the anthology Once More into the Breach: Atomic Gods and Monsters, Volume 2.  This is a collection of stories from different genres using public domain...

Feb 1, 2021

Prolific writer Jeff Deischer has published Inner Space a novella set in 1968 using his pastiche version of the THUNDER Agents.  This story involves some of the original characters trying to solve mystery that has them shrinking into the micro world.  ( Lots of influence from Henry Pym and Roy Thomas.  A well crafted...