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Art's Reviews

Oct 16, 2023

Steve Donoso and Tim King of the Shadowed Circle (the only magazine about the Shadow character in all venues) give us an update on the upcoming Issue #6.  This new issue will include detailed articles about the Shadow agent Myra Reldon.  

Oct 8, 2023

Author Jeff Deischer gives us the 10th novel in the Doc Brazen series.  "Black Balled" is a Doc Brazen pastiche occurring in the 21 Century in which Doc and his associates must deal with a mass movement in Mongolia that threatens to take over the world.  Thousands of people mysteriously become slaves of the Black Kahn...

Sep 20, 2023

Jeff Deischer has published the ninth novel in his Doc Brazen Pastiche series Wild Life.  Doc Brazen is asked to look into a problem at a cutting edge Genetics research lab by a friend and colleague.  As he and his associates begin their investigation people keep turning up dead.  What is happening?  Who is...

Aug 14, 2023

Pulp legend Will Murray has published a new Tarzan novel in which the Lord of the Jungle travels back to Mars to prevent an invasion of Earth!  This is his second Barsoom story with Tarzan and it is even better than the first. Will also has a new anthology of the wild adventures of Sherlock Holmes in the next couple of...

Jun 22, 2023

Bill Tracy is a retired engineer with a passion for hard sci fi, imaginative fantasy, and LGBTQ themes.  He has a  Dissolutionverse series of Three novels 6 novellas and 3 short stories. His newest series is The Biomass Conflux the first volume of which is Of Mycelium and Men.  Generational colonization ships find an...