Nov 5, 2018
Comicbook legend R. A. Jones has written Volume 3 in his Golden Age Superhero series "The Steel Ring" which is entitled "The House of Souls." As one set of theats has been defused at the cost of some members of the Superhero Ring, a new threat looms: the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor! Old characters return and new characters come on the scene, and there is a sense of dread that slowly builds up as the story progresses to a shattering climax!
Jeff Deischer representing Westerntainment Publishing is on hand to describe the origin of "The Steel Ring" series and to share with us some wonderful news of his own. Tom Johnson of Pulp Den has awarded Jeff best Novel for his recent Doc Brazzen story "The Millennium Bug."
The House of Souls (Steel Ring Vol. 3):
R. A. Jones Author Page-
Will Lill Comics -
Fun Adventure Comics #11 At Will Lill Comics-
The Millennium Bug by Jeff Deischer