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ArtsReviews's podcast

Art's Reviews

Jul 25, 2017

Prolific author Frank Schildiner has written a new chap book for the folks at Meteor House "watch Your Back, Mr. Minimoto."  We have a lively discussion about the ORIGINAL character upon whom Mr. MiniMOTO  is based as well as discussing the popular film franchise on which it is based and the connection of the character...

Jul 18, 2017

One of the most popular New Pulp characters is back!  Rick Ruby, noir PI extraordinaire, returns in a  second volume of stories from some of the best authors in New Pulp.  The first volume was one of the most popular and critically recognized books in 2012 and has remained a perennial favorite.  Now Rick is back and the...

Jul 3, 2017

Author James Palmer has published the 2nd volume in his "Chaos Wave Series" of Military Science fiction Space Opera, "IX Incursion."  It is the sequel to "Star Swarm," the popular first book in the series.  In "Star Swarm", the human race is attacked by an implacable enemy that is virtually unstoppable.  In "IX...