Oct 27, 2017
Pulp Legend and author extraordinaire Will Murray is preparing 2 new Doc Savage adventures for the Christmas season. He also has the go ahead to do Wild Adventures of other classic pulp characters for 2018. Thee will be a crossover novel involving the Spider, Operator #5, and G-8 set in the 1930s. Another Spider novel is in the works, and much, much more!
Plus Will continues contributing to other projects varying from Lovecraftian Horror to Sherlock Holmes! This will be a banner year for Will Murray and his fans!
Doc Savage stories: Mr. Calamity and The Eternal Valley coming soon!
Will Murray page at Amazon:
Tales From the Miskatonic University Library : (Contains Will's best Lovecraftian story EVER, and that is saying something!
The MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories - Part VIII: Eliminate The Impossible: 1892-1905 (MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories Series) :
The Art of the Pulps : An Illustrated History :
Mars Attacks #2: War Dogs of the Golden Horde
Altus Press :