Feb 28, 2015
New Pulp Author and literary superstar, Barry Reese, talks about what he has been up to for the last few months, his recent new (and up coming) books and what we can anticipate in the future. As always, Barry is breaking new ground while remembering what his fans like.
Feb 21, 2015
Award winning writer Bobby Nash and writer-illustrator Rick Johnson talk about their graphic novel "Operation: Silver Moon." The story takes place during WWII as the Nazis uncover a long buried horror from the Middle Ages. To combat this, the US sends its own modern horror hero who picks up an unlikely ally along the...
Feb 11, 2015
Tom and Ginger discuss tom's recently published books:
Pangea: Eden's Planet - The first mission to Mars is waylaid by a worm hole and ends up on the prehistoric Earth surrounded by monsters from the permian period. Will they survive?
Cold War Heroes - Fictionalized memoirs of Tom's expereinces as a US Army MP in...
Feb 6, 2015
Premier writer Derrick Ferguson comes on the show to talk about his adventure hero Dillon and lots of other things! He lets usknow what is coming and gives some exclusive revelations. Join us for a rollicking interview!
BLOOD & INK: http://dlferguson-bloodandink.blogspot.com/