Feb 11, 2015
Tom and Ginger discuss tom's recently published books:
Pangea: Eden's Planet - The first mission to Mars is waylaid by a worm hole and ends up on the prehistoric Earth surrounded by monsters from the permian period. Will they survive?
Cold War Heroes - Fictionalized memoirs of Tom's expereinces as a US Army MP in France in the 1960s. Follw these all-American boys as they confront crime, the Black Market, Communist spies and much more!
Pulp Den http://pulplair.blogspot.com
New Pulp Heroes http://newpulpheroes.com
The Gem Theater http://thegemtheater.blogspot.com
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/tomginger.johnson
Tom’s NTD Page http://bloodredshadow.com/about/night-to-dawn-magazine-and-books/tom-johnsons-sf-and-adventure/
Cold War Heroes on Amazon http://www.amazon.com/Cold-War-Heroes-Tom-Johnson/dp/0982679564/ref=la_B008MM81CM_1_6?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1423408120&sr=1-6
Cold War Heroes Hardback on Lulu http://www.lulu.com/shop/tom-johnson/cold-war-heroes/hardcover/product-20583278.html
First Realm Publishing http://www.firstrealmpublishing.com/pangaea-eden-s-planet
Pangaea: Eden’s Planet on Amazon http://www.amazon.com/Pangaea-Edens-Planet-Tom-Johnson/dp/1497340748/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8
Tom’s Amazon Page http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B008MM81CM
Jur Novels Blog http://jurnovels.blogspot.com